A little about me

A little about me

I was born in Havana Cuba . My parents brought me to the United States  in 1980.  I always wanted to be a writer more than anything but being from a different country, and English being my second language, made it a difficult task. Growing up I’ve always been called absent minded; A day dreamer .  For I’ve always had a very active imagination.  In One of my favorite books The Little Prince by  Antoine St-exupery, there is a quote that alway stayed with me: “All grown ups were once children but only few of them remember it.” I must be one of the few because the child in me never grew  up.  I am usually lost in my stories in my own world. I have always being an avid reader.  The books one reads becomes part of your being and like most readers, there are some books that make a big impression on ones soul. My son shares my love for reading. When he was in grade school I made a point of reading every book that was assigned to him. So we could discuss it  later. When he was in he fourth grade he was assigned The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamilo ad a part of a Sumer reading list. I read the book.  It is a children’s book,But it was so profound that it touched my soul. I’ve read it multiple times, and every time I read it, it speaks to me in a different way. It awoke my dormant dream of being a writer. I wanted to touch people the same way that book did.  It was so beautifully written. A few years later, after a very vivid dream. I tried my luck at writing again. And that’s how my first book The  Escape Artist was born.  I remember being very shy about letting anyone read it, but with every person that read it and thought it was good, my confidence grew. After, it was as if  a flow of stories that I was holding hostage by fears and insecurities broke loose I could not contain them anymore, and the books kept coming. I love writing , when I write I get lost in my stories and time goes by without me even noticing . An hour turns to three and before I know it the day is gone.  I’d like to invite people into my imagination and let them experience what I see. My stories help me escape reality. I hope my stories touch someone souls . Like the book did for me.  I am very grateful for the readers like me that read my books, but I feel that even if no one did; I’d still write. For there is a story in me that needs to be told, and writing it is, and will always be, my passion.

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